With today’s competition, customer dissatisfied, lost customer

#Who is who We continue with the section in which our EVALUATORS are the protagonists. Meet your peers, learn from them, feel part of this great team.Our fourth protagonist is César V.B. From Lima Peru.

How did you meet BARE?

I was recommended by a friend.

What was your first visit? How did you feel?

I did an evaluation of pizzas. I felt a little nervous about the subject that I wanted to go unnoticed and act in the most natural way.

What do you most enjoy working with BARE?

The freedom of time to make the visits. The extra income I get for the visits. So I also like that they work with recognized brands since I learn how the customer service system of the big brands works.

How important do you think customer service is?

Very important because with today’s competition, unsatisfied customer, lost customer and other company will come to fulfill their needs.

Has the way you bought changed?

Yes, now I look more at the details at the time of purchase. For example in his uniform, way of speaking, if he is polite, among others.

What advice would you give to a new evaluator?

I would advise you to thoroughly review the manuals before making any visits, this will allow you to be sure to do during the visit to make the visit more fluid and less likely to reject it. Also, that it fulfills the task in the time required by Bare since they could not take them into account for future evaluations.

Do you feel like being part of our team of evaluators?

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FB-f-Logo__blue_29 Bare Latam – Tel: +56-2-22280538   +Info?  BAREchile@Bareinternational.com

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